Thursday, October 8, 2009

Bulk Dried Fruits As Cherries


The cherry is the sweet fruit of the sort Prunus. It is a fleshy fruit that contains a single rocky seed, and the fleshy tissue of the eroded cherry is known as cherry meat when ground up and pressed together. The Dried fruits of commerce are usually founded from a limited number of

species, including especially wild cherry, Prunus avian.

bulk cherries

The name of this dry fruit ‘cherry’, often as the term ‘cherry tree’, may also be applied to many other members of the genus Prunus, or to all members of the species as a collective term. The fruits of many of these species are not cherries, but they have other common names, including plum, apricot, peach and more. The name ‘cherry‘ is also frequently used in position to cherry blossom.

True cherry fruits are borne by members of the subgenus Cerasus and by having a smooth fruit with only a weak listen or none along one side. The subgenus is citizen to the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, with two species in America, three in Europe, and the remainder in Asia.

dried fruits

The majority of eating cherries are derived from Prunus avium, the wild cherry, and sweet cherry or from Prunus cerasus, the sour cherry.

The Tart cherries are a great dried fruit snack. They are lightly sweetened and are delightfully plump. They are very versatile and can be used for baking and available as bulk cherries and delicious Milk Chocolate Covered Cherries are very hard to resist.

Cherries have a short growing season and can grow in most temperate environment. In Australia they are growing in Christmas time, in southern Europe in June, in North America in June, in south British Columbia (Canada) in July-mid August and in the UK in mid July, always in the summer season. In many parts of North America they are among the first tree fruits to ripen.

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