Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dried Fruits As Nuts: Brazil Nuts

Nut is meant for the large, dry, oily seeds or fruit of some plants. While a large variety of dried fruits are called nuts in English, only a certain number of them are considered by biologists to be true nuts. Nuts are a great source of nutrients for both humans and wildlife.

A nut is a type of seed. Nuts are both the seed and the fruit. Seeds come from fruit, and can be removed from the fruit, like almonds, cashews and walnuts which have to be extracted from the fruit. Some nuts as defined in cookery usage like pistachios are not true nuts in biological terms.

Dried Fruit And NutsDried Fruits And Nuts

The grouping of many similar dried fruits as nuts under the single generic name “nut” is not followed in many other languages, which have individual names for each type.

The nut of the horse-chestnut tree is called a conker in the British Isles. Conkers is inedible because they contain toxic glucoside aesculin like proteins. They are used in a popular children’s game, known as conkers, where the nuts are threaded onto a strong cord and then each contestant attempts to break his opponent’s conker by hitting it with his own.

The Brazil nuts are very famous and these are categorized as Raw Brazil Nut Pieces, Raw Brazil Nuts, Roasted Brazil Nuts, Milk Chocolate Covered Brazils and Dark Chocolate Covered Brazils. These naturally sweet Brazil Nuts are high in protein, calcium, iron, zinc, and are also a good source of selenium. They are good for snacking, cooking and baking. Roasted Brazil nuts are sweet tasting and are available salted and unsalted. Brazil nuts are an excellent source of protein. Our delicious Milk Chocolate Covered Brazils are very hard to resist.

Salted Marcona Almonds: Dried Fruit

The Almond is a small tree, growing to between 4 and 10 meters, with a trunk of 30 centimeters. The young tree is green at first, becoming purplish in sunlight, then grey in their second year with leaves 1 cm long and 1.2–4 cm broad and a 2.5 cm petiole.

The fruit is a 3.5–6 cm long, with a downy outer coat which contains inside a hard shell, and the edible seed, commonly called a nut. Generally, one seed is looked, but occasionally there are two. An almond is not a true nut. The fruit is mature in the autumn, 7–8 months after flowering.

Bulk Dried Fruit

The dried fruit “almond” comes from Old French almande or alemande. The British pronunciation ah-mond and the modern Catalan ametlla and modern French amande show a form of the word closer to the almond.

Salted Marcona Almonds are considered to be the “Queen of Almonds”. They have a light, crunchy texture and are high in monounsaturated fats. They are hard to resist and make very Healthy Snacks and roughly almond-shaped, particularly a shape which is partway between a rectangle and an ellipse.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dried Fruits And Peanuts: A Source Of Vitamins

The peanut is a species in the legume family native to South America, Mexico and Central America. It is an annual herbaceous plant growing 30 to 50 cm tall. The leaves are opposite; pinnate with four leaves each leaflet 1 to 7 cm (⅜ to 2¾ in) long and 1 to 3 cm (⅜ to 1 inch) large. The flowers are a typical pea flower in shape, 2 to 4 cm across, yellow with reddish veining. After pollination, the fruit develops into a legume 3 to 7 cm long, containing 1 to 4 seeds, which forces its way underground to mature.

Dried Fruit And Peanut

Dried Fruit And Peanuts

Peanuts are known by many names, including earthnuts, ground nuts and monkey nuts; that is often used to mean the entire shell. The domestic peanut is an amphidiploid; it means it has two sets of chromosomes from two different species. The peanut was introduced to China by in the 1600s and another variety by American missionaries in the 1800s. Peanuts grow best in light and sandy soil. The necessary environment is five months of warm weather, and an annual rainfall of 500 to 1000 mm.

Edible peanuts are two-thirds of the total peanuts in the United States. Popular confections include Raw Spanish Peanuts, Raw Virginia Peanuts, Cajun Virginia Peanuts, and shelled Chopped Peanuts.

Dried Fruits like peanuts are great sources of proteins and vitamins.